PPM at a Glance


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Donate to PPM with the QR Code


Partner with Us!  Thank You- Our Partners, because we want to partner with you in helping the Lord’s work prosper, not only in our Southern Baptist Churches, but on the streets, hedges and highways.  YOU ARE THE CHURCH! That includes prison ministry, street ministry, counseling, and singing for His glory. Pray for us daily, and that God would use PPM to share His Love, His Grace, His Mercy, and His Message to all who will listen.

Watch these videos to see your Ministry in action:

Ministry Overview

Tall Pines Atlanta, TX

“By the Way of the Cross”- Soloist, Robin Carrington, Clay Perkins

[audio:http://ppmhasit.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/11-By-The-Way-Of-The-Cross.mp3|titles=11 By The Way Of The Cross]

Classic Praise East Texas has 2 CD’s, both will bless you! “That’s My King”, and our latest entitled “Through the Fire”

Order Today!

CD’s can be purchased by sending a check to our office for the amount of $12.00, which includes postage and shipping, (1125 Judson Plaza, Ste 182, Longview,TX. 75601) or pick one up for $10.00.  Please indicate which CD you are purchasing, “That’s My King“, or “Through the Fire“.

They can also be purchased through PayPal at the bottom of this page or on the Classic Praise page.

2nd Year for the Perkins to sing for East Texas Baptist University Homecoming Concert

Over 200 Singers join the Perkins in singing Praise to the Lord at ETBU’s Homecoming

Dale II, Stacy, Collin, Aaron, Adam and Clay Perkins

Sing “Light of That City”

Dale Perkins introducing Dr. Charles Crumpler, Chairman of PPM at ETBU

PPM Prayer Meeting Each Tuesday Night

(More information available on Local Ministry Page)


20150301_143949Praying over Angola Chaplain and Death Row Guard

Classic Praise singing
Classic Praise singing
Visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, visiting those in prison.  Lord help us to do more this year, not stand on the sidelines and wait for someone else to do the work that you have called us to do.
  • Classic Praise East Texas Sings in Reliant Stadium for theResponse: Day of Prayer and Fasting

Classic Praise East Texas in Prayer before event begins.   Over 40,000 people in attendance 

Alan Johnson In Prayer for Our Nation during the Response Event

Classic Praise Singing at “The Response”

Gary Don Holley Prays at “The Response”

PPM Hosts Evening with Former Texas Governor Rick Perry

Left to Right: Clay and Stacey Perkins with Former Texas Governor Rick Perry

Our first Angola Team Fall 2011,  We have had the wonderful privilege of traveling to and ministering in Angola many times and seen many souls receive the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ through the sharing of our Lord’s followers.  Many of the ones that travel with us have been behind bars and know the loneliness that comes with being imprisoned.  Jesus said He would be the friend to the friendless and hope for the hopeless.

For More Pictures and Testimonies, click on the Angola Page


We have the opportunity daily to minister on an individual basis, and weekly on a larger scale. We study how our Savior ministered, one on one, and are both encouraged and challenged by His example. We serve a great God that not only owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but also the hills upon which the cattle are standing. There is an area of ministry at PPM in which you can be involved. Pray about it, and then jump in. He has led some to minister with Classic Praise, some to help at the mission, others to provide for the poor and helpless, some to minister to the sick, and others to help us preach the gospel and fulfill the Great Commission through the Tall Pines Festivals or our prison ministry. Yet He has placed in some of your hands the gift of finances that can be used in all of these areas. Everything that you donate to PPM is 100% tax deductible, and it’s now easier than ever to partner with us through PayPal. Start reaching out with Christ’s love and see the doors start opening and lives being changed. There are people who need His touch all around you. Thank you for partnering with us as we step forward, in faith, with new ministry opportunities and as we continue very crucial ones. Let’s Make Disciples!

To donate to PPM.   To purchase the “That’s My King” CD, go to Classic Praise page.


or call 903.236.9839   

to get plugged in…


We are so glad that you are a part of what God is doing right here and around the world through the ministry at PPM.  We know your giving isn’t for tax reasons, but it is an added blessing to have the 501 (c)3 tax status that will allow all of your donations to be a tax deduction at the end of the year.  We request that you continue to pray for God’s direction, provision, protection and purpose for Perkins Partnership Ministry.

Honduras —April 2009 -The very start of our ministry


Shirley Perkins and the beautiful children of Honduras


Our Goal: One Soul for Every Dollar Spent

 Perkins Partnership Ministries is a tax deductible organization.  This is an excellent opportunity to sow seeds of faith through your financial contribution. Please pray for God’s leadership in what YOU can do to partner with us …

Partner with us in praying, planning, and participating.

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.  But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe.  All that the Father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.  For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.  And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.  For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”

Check out the Tall Pines page and the Links to see what God is doing. He is using some wonderful people and situations to reach East Texas for His Kingdom.  “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.”  The Lord is in the process of opening doors and hearts. What’s most exciting is that He is using all of us, pulling together, to reach the lost. That is the Partnership in Perkins Partnership Ministry.  Come serve with us in this evangelism opportunity.

You can now download the latest newsletter (pdf file) from the “Newsletter” page and share it with friends and family.  Also, Take a look at the Classic Praise page and the Local Mission page. Let PPM encourage you to become a part of what God is doing!

 We Now have our BEAUTIFUL PPM window decals.  If you would like to have one, FREE of charge, we would be happy to send one to you, OR, come by our office and I’ll be glad to place it on your vehicle for you. 

PPM Has It!